He was an Artist
Painted with fire and wind
Each picture was a song to him
A symphony so bittersweet
Of death´s dark reign
And life´s defeat
The world his stage
His orchestra
He played it endlessly divine
Created life, destroyed it soon
Without remorse He sang His tune
Almighty One
Immortal son
Merciful father
Keep evil undone
Merciless killer
Burning with wrath
Holy redeemer
Fulfill your Task
He brought joy and glory
To us all
Protected His children
His daughters and sons
Spread His blackened wings to fly
With mighty strokes above the land
Passed mountains, seas and valleys wide
Let thunder roll across the sky
Lit our candles
With living fire
Counted our precious time
Extinguished our fading lights
With His two fingers
One by one
And ended our mortal lives
Copyright Lara Möller, 30.11.00-09.01.01